Matias has worked to create community change for public good for over 20 years. He is currently the Toronto District School Board Trustee for Ward 4 in Humber River - Black Creek. He lives in the community with his wife and enjoys its green spaces, diversity, delicious foods, and everyone who makes it a place called home. Growing up in a single parent household, and seeing his mom volunteer, study, and make ends meet as a newcomer instilled in him a strong sense of tenacity and understanding of some of the barriers families face. Completing his own postsecondary education with a high debt load that took years to pay off reinforced Matias’s passion for accessible and affordable education. Matias’s vision for creating more fair and equitable opportunities has led to his establishment of scholarships and bursaries and the creation of community organizations.

Matias has worked as the Chief of Staff for City of Toronto Councillor Anthony Perruzza and as the Executive Director of the DUKE Heights Business Improvement area, a newly established BIA that has realized tens of millions of investment dollars in the area. He has worked tirelessly to make our community a better place to live, work, and enjoy. 

As an elected official, Matias serves as the Vice Chair of the Finance Committee at the Toronto District School Board where he has been able to ensure that students are receiving the level of funding required to fulfill their educational aspirations and goals. He is spearheading the Latin American Student Taskforce to address concerns related to the graduation rate of Latinx student learners. During the last budget process, Matias worked closely with student trustee leaders, parent leaders, and community members to engage in a city-wide budget consultation process. In his years of service, Matias has continuously mentored and supported young people in establishing their own social networks and professional development.

He understands the needs and issues faced by many such as having to choose between paying rent or getting groceries as life becomes more unaffordable for many. Matias’s vision for creating a better community is evident given his track record of service where he has transformed issues to solutions while building connections and collaborations with community members along the way.

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